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- Victoria House Needlecraft
By Rachel Vince
Here are some January themed crafts for kids that include both summer craft ideas for those who are in summer in the southern hemisphere, and winter craft ideas for those who are in winter in the northern hemisphere.
1. Calendar craft
Use a real calendar covered with your childs own artwork to make an interesting calendar you will love the whole year through.
Supplies Needed:
Calendar for the new year
Construction paper
Crayons or markers
Nontoxic glue
Provide your child with construction paper cut to fit over the picture-portion of the calendar you purchase. You might be able to get free calendars that some pharmacies and real estate companies give away around holiday time.
After she uses the construction paper to make a picture for each month, simply glue these to the calendar in the appropriate place. After all of the pictures have been glued, press the calendar under a large heavy book to flatten it. Your child may wish to make several calendars and give them away as presents.
2. Frosty Window craft ( for those of us living in winter in the northern hemisphere)
These really do look like frosty windows!
Supplies Needed:
Epsom salts
Warm water
Small container and spoon
Small paintbrush
Sheet of black construction paper
Colored construction paper
Nontoxic glue
Add 6 or 7 Tbsp of Epsom salts to cup warm water, and stir the mixture until no more salts will dissolve. Then using a small paintbrush, brush the misture over a sheet of black constructiojn paper (8 x 11 inches). Allow the paper to dry overnight or place it on top of a floor heat register/vent. This will give it the frosty appearance. Mount on a piece of colored construction paper and then glue a vertical strip and horizontal strip right across the paper for the window panes.
3. Simple Bird Feeder Craft
Save those crusts of bread instead of throwing them in the garbage. Have your child poke a hole about an inch from the top of the crust. Leave the crust out on the counter overnight to dry, then tie a piece of yarn or string through the hole. Take it outside and hang it on a tree-easy bird feeder. Your children will enjoy watching the birds come and eat from it.
4. Sand castle craft(for those in summer in the southern hemisphere).
This recipe allows you to build a sand castle or sculpture and then keep it as a keepsake.
Supplies Needed:
1 cup sand
1/2 cup cornstarch
1 tsp cream of tartar
1/4 cup hot water
Old pot
Old spoon
Mix sand, cornstarch, and cream of tartar in an old cooking pot.
Add water. Cook over medium heat while stirring continuously until the mixture is too thick to stir. Allow to cool and mold into desired shapes.
This sand takes a couple of days to dry. You can keep leftover clay in an airtight container and use it another day.
5. Handprint flower
Trace four handprints onto colorful paper. Cut out the handprints and then glue all of the bases of the hands together in a circular pattern to form a flower. Cut a circle out of yellow paper and paste it in the middle.
About the Author: Rachel is a busy and happy Mom of two young children who feels blessed at having a second chance at life, seeing through the eyes of her children. For more favorite ideas that kids will enjoy visit her web site at
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